Thursday, 24 May 2007

Other peoples efforts

Maybe I'm amazed at how much time I spend at other peoples blogs (HO HUM ) but I keep looking to see what music from yesterday is being shared again.
Midoztouch is a great site and getting better.Australian music from the 60's and 70's (that be the 1960's and 1970's, not the 1860's you rude buggers)is discussed, recreated and shared there.
And if you want to know something about an old Aussie band or singer or singette its the site to visit.Or if you know something about an old band you want to share there is a great forum.
Anyhow, I have uploaded some albums you might like to listen to.
Axiom, Fools gold should be at
and Jo Jo Zeps album Whip it Out should be at
You might be able to help me with a Judy Garland album called Garland at the Grove.
It doesn't get a big rap but I was always impressed in years gone by.

1 comment:

Buzz Stephens said...

Garland at The Grove isn't one of Judy's better albums, it was recorded on the last night of the engagement and her voice was strained from a cold and overuse. However, she does do an amazing job on When The Sun Comes Out. The backing by the Freddie Martin Orchestra is also not up to Garland's usual standards.
And peaking of Judy Garland, there is an an exciting new group on Yahoo called The Judy Garland Experience. The group features ever changing and always amazing audio files. Currently, along with some of Judy's 1950's radio work we are featuring full length concerts of her with the original Rat Pack, her 1967 free concert on the Boston Common, songs and interviews from her aborted role in Valley Of The Dolls, and much more. The group also features rare photo's, lively discussions, and the most eclectic and interesting gathering of Garland fans anywhere!
The group features fans of all levels, new and hardcore, Garland family members, other celebrities, people who knew Judy, author's historian's, film maker's, and more! The only thing missing is you! Please stop by our little Judyville and check it out, you may never want to leave!